Hygene is still gone. They only made Hygetropin with teal and Brown tops, never black. This is simply a company using the name of one of the best known and.consistent products to.come out of China since Jintropin. And like IP.did yrs ago when quality vet shut down, IP started using the QV label and logo because it had become the moat popular brand to ever be used and was.recognized worldwide, so why not label your gear with something people.already know and trust.

Whoever is using Hygetropin for the name of its GH, is simply using their labels and security codes the same way hygene did it. It's using the name hygene pharma, which is.also the.website name you gook to check these security codes. To sum this up, it prooves that a well made counterfeit can turn a $125 generic kit into a $300 kit by just adding a label. Avoid these knocks offs no matter what the tests show as it simply an overpriced generic brand with a nice label.