The dreams sometimes are so real taking MK-677 with melatonin they shock me. I had a dream the other night where I composed music and it was flawless, every instrument flowed perfectly together. It was music created in my dream. Why can't I create that music in life? It's mesmerizing that something new can be created by your mind but can't be replicated while awake. It just goes to show how little of our brain we actually use while awake.

Do you guys find higher doses of melatonin increase the vivid dream potential of MK-677?
I've been dosing it at 10-12mg because a buddy told me we can only use 10mg but I'll try 20mg tonight with my 25mg MK-677. By the way, I lowered my MK dose to 25mg a week and I find I'm not lethargic during the daytime off that dose. 25mg is just right.