MK-677 is the most convenient form of HGH on the market.

- It is an oral sublingual HGH Secretagogue
- It only requires one 25mg oral sublingual dose per day
- It puts out over a dozen low wave HGH pulses per 24 hour period
- It is stored at room temperature making it convenient for travel
- Igf-1 increases with each consecutive day of use to extremely high levels
- Body fat seems to melt off
- Weight gain comes quickly
- Sleep is much deeper
- Endurance is greatly improved while training

Growth hormone secretagogue MK-677: no clinical ef... [Neurology. 2008] - PubMed result
Results: Administration of MK-677 25 mg resulted in a 60.1% increase in serum IGF-1 levels at 6 weeks and a 72.9% increase at 12 months.

Effects of an oral ghrelin mimetic on body composi... [Ann Intern Med. 2008] - PubMed result
Results: Over 12 months, the ghrelin mimetic MK-677 enhanced pulsatile growth hormone secretion, significantly increased fat-free mass, and was generally well tolerated. Long-term functional and, ultimately, pharmacoeconomic, studies in elderly persons are indicated.