Ok Brothers, Ive been reading about peps for over a year and finally decided to give it a shot. I love HGH (who doesn't right?) and if the peps can produce the same desired results why not give it a try. Especially with the issue of finding a good source, which I guess really applies to everything. only I guess if I get burned on bunk peps at least the cost wasnt as great. So I plan on keeping an updated log of my trial run. The results are suppose to be noticeable pretty quickly so I purchased only 8wks of supplies. I feel that will will long enough to know or not if I wish to continue.

I will only being running this by itself. I WILL NOT be taking any AAS.

I had a lot Of questions answered and a lot of help putting this together from Johnjuanb1 with Superior Peptides. Thanks Again Bro!!

Source: Superior Peptides
Duration: 16wks

*MK-677: 25mg ed before bed
*Huperzine A: 50mcg 2Xs pr day . A upon waking, and mid afternoon. to inhibit somatostatin during the day. Total of 100mcg
*CJC-1295 w/DAC : 5mg in one dose every 5 days
*Melatonin: 10mg before bed to inhibit somatostatin at night .


-1st sub q pin of cjc-1295 w/dac.
It had a slight burn for about 3min then it subsided.

-1st 25mg oral dose of MK-677
I held the liquid under my tongue for about two minutes for maximum absorption and before I swallowed my head and back got very warm almost instantly and I could feel a strong pulse in my head. If you have ever had a really bad headache and you can feel every time your blood pumps. That is how profound the pulsing was but without the pain. This lasted approximately 12-15 min.