Hi guys.

got a weird question .
anybody experienced with legitimate hgh therapy?
i mean for people that actually need it for a medical condition.
I ask because of a condition my 2 year old daughter suffers from called Russel silver syndrome .
it affects growth and also can affect brain development and other organs of the body.
it is treated with growth hormones, though it's not a cure , it only adds a few centimeters of height but anything is good .

we are waiting for government approval for her treatment to begin but we are told it's very rare for our draconian government to accept an application even after the necessary tests and results over the last 2 years .
it is very likely they won't accept.
however we also found out that 6 months of treatment will cost us just under 5 thousand dollars .very hard to afford that.
this is in Australia by the way, it burns me knowing that I could buy hgh from underground sources for a fraction of that price but I'm too scared to self medicate on a child lol.
anyone had any similar experience , I sort of can't really talk about this to normal people but I needed to get this off my chest .