Quote Originally Posted by brad1224 View Post
ummm....dont take slin without growth

take growth with a cycle

what peptides are you thinkin of?
Hey, Brad. What kind of cycle would be best?? I bought 300 iu's of Growth, and am not really sure how to incorporate it. :-/ I am in a bulking mode as far as workout and diet goes, but I'm not running any gear other than my doctor prescribed TRT. I missed my bulk cycle this year, and just decided to eat and bulk like a lifter. My main goal right now is to be a lean, yet beastly dude on the beach this summer. My test levels stay around the 800 range due to my TRT, but I do on fact plan on running a short cut cycle with some for pf test p/masteron etc. SHould I start this GH now at 4 iu's per day and continue to cruise?? That would give me almost 4 months worth of use. Should I then incorporate my 8 week cutter sometime around mid-march?? My workout is focused on strength and size for about the next 2 months so that would be about right. I just want to leave myself plenty of time to knock the extra fat off before Memorial Day. I know I am basically asking you to decide for me when I read this, haha. I guess it is because I am stuck in between bulk/cut and have never used HGH. I could get off TRT and run 650 mg Sust a week and start the Growth? I'm just not thrilled with where my bf is right now, but I also need to add muscle. That's why I chose to forego the bulk gear and try to just get some gains with diet. That way I don't add too much water and fat that I can't cut it down before Memorial Day. There is a lot of questions in the post, and I apologize. This is kind of an open-advice request from anyone on our board. Thanks, guys and gals!!!