So I've attempted to do research on this several times and always end up seeing peoples mixed opinions, some peoples advice getting slammed for being bro-science.. I just wanna know peoples opinions, if anyone has experience with these drugs being combined etc.
Here's a little insight into my plans, if any one has suggestions for myself that would be ace aswell. Just trying to learn as much as i can and be best prepared

Im always blasting/cruising. Been running hgh for about 2-3months at 5iu ED and have no plans on stopping for atleast a year to see how good this stuff is. Currently semi lean on a cruise, bout 150-200mg test prop per week, weighing 103kg, abs are visible, vascular, maybe about 12% body fat if i was to guess. Just started DNP yesterday for first time ever, using it mainly out of curiousity and ofcourse it sounds amazing given i can tolerate the sides and be smart about my usage. Gonna run it for 2 weeks at just 200mg ED, hopefully be a bit leaner, then is when I plan on starting my blast and first time using slin and IGF. Aiming to put on some quality mass, if staying somewhat lean is possible then why not! but fat gain can be expected hence why im wanting to get a little leaner before i start.

When I blast i want to keep running 5iu HGH, increase my prop to approx 400mg per week, run tren ace at 500mg per week. But im not sure on the wisest ways to use my IGF and insulin. i was thinking running igf at 100mcg per day. But i've also read that lots of people say combining IGF-LR3 and insulin they compete for the same receptor and the effects are actually lessened as opposed to using just one. This is where im wondering would i be best to use IGF for maybe a 3 week burst, then use insulin for 2-3 weeks and then rotate? or is this receptor competition bs and just results of poorly timed injections when combining the two?