I am currently 243lb in between 11 and 10 percent BF. I plan to do a DNP blast coupled with Slin and T3. I also plan to throw some GW-501516 in the mix so I have more energy. On top of that I'll be pinning Helios into my lower abdomen in the morning. My Protocol looks like this.
1-5 Days
600mg DNP Split into 3 separate doses
10iu Humalog Pre W/0 with 60g(White rice) of carb and 40g(dextrose) of carb intra W/O and 100g(Cereal) carb post.
60g protein prior to gym 30g after, with another 260g from lean beef (eye of round trimmed).
Day 6 No DNP, 25mg to 50g T3, no Slin. Will go high fat low to no carbs. Keep protein moderate.
Day 7 Water Fast
All days will use 20mg of GW-501516

This is DNP Crystal. I have had more than a few runs with DNP. I've even want up to 1500mg one day, which has me in a cold shower, mainly due to i was killing some simple carbs during that day. I will post before and after pics. For those who are not familiar with Helios, it is a clen yohimbe mix which is used for spot reduction really. I will start this as of 19 Feb. I have a powerlifting comp the week prior, and don't want DNP kicking my ass during.

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