Does anybody have first hand experience with peptides accelerating the development of their injured tendons over time?

I read a lot of small studies on rats (BPC-157) and horses (TB500), and a few logs and journals by people with injuries not similar to mine, detailing the healing attributes of peptides such as BPC-157. The studies and logs that I read that praise BPC-157 as a miracle healing peptide are suspicious, because they are either referring to healing effects on rats or I'm reading from a website that coincidentally sells BPC-157 or is sponsored by a peptide seller. Then I look to YouTube for information and only find people regurgitating the same information I've already read to discuss the theory of these peptides being applied and then a week-by-week healing log telling me the healing effects are not impressive BPC 157 Results and Progress - MRI RESULTS - Conclusion / Final Results - YouTube so I'm pursuing clarity on this subject.

Obviously there is already a stickied thread on peptides with healing effects, but it does not describe BPC-157, and I also want to use this thread as a means of collecting personal experiences from all of you that have applied any of these peptides to your research animals in an effort to heal their tendons following an injury as minor as RSI to as major as a tear.

As for me, I broke my left elbow in 2013 and had surgery soon after to get my arm bolted back together. The muscles and tendons surrounding my elbow atrophied so much post-surgery that my left arm looked like it belonged to E.T.
I never completed rehab because fuck those guys, and ever since I achieved full range of motion and started rebuilding the muscle mass in my arm, it takes two or three tricep workouts to induce a state of tendinitis that will take 4 or 5 days to completely subside so that I can resume training. This tricep tendinitis is even triggered during lat pulldowns, rows, pullups, etc., so it's a big problem for me. I'm not sure what my problem is, whether the insertion of my tricep tendon was messed with when my arm was being nailed together during surgery, or if it simply takes fucking forever for a tendon to develop thickness relative to its muscle that develops a lot faster and leaves its tendon always playing ketchup, experiencing symptoms of tendinitis as if the tendon is always too weak for the ever-increasing workload the muscle is pushing. My pain feels like it is the part of the tricep tendon on the inside of the elbow, connecting the elbow and medial tricep head together. I've tested a lot of theories as to what exactly my issue is, and that's what I've narrowed it down to.

The only peptide I've tried to heal my elbow pain with is Hexarelin @200mcg in the morning. I would go to the gym fasted, subcutaneously injecting before I walked into the gym. I would then do light pump sets to get my joints really warm for 15 minutes. 15 minutes is how long it takes for GH levels to start to increase following injection of Hexarelin in a fasted, elderly test subject. 30 minutes post-injection, I would hit the working sets, because I read that in elderly patients, serum GH levels peaked 30 minutes post injection and remained peaked until 60 minutes post-injection. I would do working sets until 90 minutes post injection, and not eat until 120 minutes post injection.
What effects did I see from this daily administration of Hexarelin over the course of 20 days until I decided to discontinue use? A slightly increased pump every single workout. No significant healing benefits were experienced. I discontinued use 6 days ago after my elbow pain returned just like it would as if I wasn't using Hexarelin.

My next step will be to site inject IGF-1 LR3 and BPC-157. My goal is to increase the thickness of my tricep tendon on the inside of my elbow, because I believe it is too thin and immature to match the performance of my tricep muscle. I know that IGF-1 LR3 has a long half-life and will circulate throughout my body, but I want to make sure I'm getting as much of it to my elbow as possible by specifically injecting it there.

Thoughts or advice, anyone? If you have experience with healing peptides, please share it in this thread.