This debate seems to rage on boards about what happens to your Blood Glucose level's following a Growth Hormone injection. Being a diabetic i am obviously in a different class than someone who is not as sensitive to sugar levels but it's been my experience that my blood glucose drops after every injection. Tonight i decided to take some pics and share my experiences for others as a reminder to pay attention to your levels if your on GH. You might already be low and not even know it, take and injection and find yourself crashing. Here are the pics taken about 22 minutes apart. I was getting a little queasy so i went ahead and took my BG before i wanted to (i wanted to wait a full 30 minutes) but u can see from the pictures the dramatic drop in levels in just 22 minutes following a 5iu injection.So to those thinking about using GH or those that are using it always be mindful of your sugar levels so u don't find yourself in trouble..The top photo as u can see was taken at 8:32pm approx 22 minutes following the injection. The bottom photo was obviously my starting Number

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