My protocal/dosage

The best dose for muscle cell proliferation is 40mcg bi-latterly. So 40 mcg in one bicep, 40mcg in the other Pre-workout, or any 2 matching muscle groups.
This should be done 40 days max and 30 days off.
What you need to be careful of is adequate carb intake when using IGF, especially this version as it's long acting it will literally leech glucose to cause its localized muscle enhancing effects, similar to the way insulin works. This go's on for 7-10 hours.
You should take in 20g of carbs, 5 grams slow release and 15 grams fast, for every hour its active for the first 7 hours.
Pre-workout. 40mcg bi-laterally. Then pwo meal of 40g carbs, 30 slow release and 10g fast release carbs.. that covers you for 2 hours.

Post-workout. 40 grams carbs, 30 grams low gi or slow release, and 10g fast release carbs. That covers you for 2 more hours, 2 hours later, so 4 hours post injection the same again.
That takes you up to 6 hours, at this point just consume carbs when you feel light headed, or any signs of hypoglycemia.

Some people prefer 70g carbs with there pre-workout meal, and 70 g of carbs 4 hours later, but the most anabolic option I believe is the one I outlined, causing a constant supply of everything you need for maximize effects.

Why dose pre-workout?

When do you get muscle cell proliferation? This is when the muscle breaks down during intense training, this causes localized IGF-1 levels to sky rocket. That's why 'arachidonic acid works, because it increases localized IGF-1 levels, causing an increase inflammatory response to muscle degradation or breakdown,, so by using IGF-LR3 pre-workout you receive the benefits of Hyperplasia straight away,without waiting for 2 hours to use your IGF..
So you increase the window of growth time period during its most significant period. You have just provided your muscle everything it needs for muscle growth at exactly the right time, before its broken down. Plus eating pre-workout meal you fuel your workout and allow the huge pumps IGF-LR3 can cause as your muscles are flooded with nutrients, blood and increased localized IGF-1 levels

Only dose on workout days/max 3 x week. Plus only inject directly into muscle, and always reconstitute with Acetic acid, once reconstituted refrigerate and use within 4 months...…….GhostProfit