I have been considering taking the next step and running slin (Humulin-R) for a maximum of 4 weeks. I plan to start small with 2 iu and gradually taper up to 10iu. I have been doing as much research as I can before starting or even purchasing the slin. Before I go any further, I'm hoping someone can answer a few things for me.

1 - I know that Humulin-R is active 6-8 hours. I usually train around 5pm and like to be asleep by 10:30pm. I do not want to go to sleep while the slin is still active, so would it be ok for me to pin around 2:30pm? And then hit the gym at 5pm? Or do I need to pin immediately pre and/or post workout?

2 - Does any general drug store have slin? Honestly, I have not gone into any pharmacies looking for it just yet. Is it a standard item for them to carry or should I try somewhere specific? Looking for Humulin-R.

3 - Is 4 weeks long enough to develop permanent insulin resistance? Should I do a shorter cycle?

Thanks in advance, any advice is appreciated.