Quote Originally Posted by Sakuraba View Post
Before finding serostim, I ordered omnitrope 45 iu from turkey thinking it was sent as a powder and I would reconstitute....
Turns out its sent as a premixed solution in 1 5 ml diluent, designed for use in a "pen" device.

It's been in the mail for 2 weeks , no cold packs or refrigeration. Is it even worth using at this point or totally degraded?
Also, any reason I can't just draw from the cartridge with an insulin syringe?

Can you do a serum GH test? Privatemdlabs or discountedlabs will send you a script for about 50 bucks. You can gauge if it degraded by how high your serum levels spike. It's not perfect but very good for telling if the HGH is useable, potent or bunk.

You pin 10 IU in one shot, and get blood drawn at 3-4 hours. You would want a minimum of 15, but 20 and higher are good numbers.