Quote Originally Posted by sumguy View Post
I have been using IGF-1 and GH. I believe I have read that it can cause joint pain? IDK if that is true or not? But I am experiencing severe joint pain through out the day. And I would like to find out what is causing it?

I also have stiffness in my tendons I have trouble bending over to pick something off the floor?

I ride a bike every day and my groins hurt like a MF'er! It's so painful I have to take baby steps to get going?

This has been going on for about a month now?

Any ideas what might be causing it?
Do you have Uric acid issues? Often genetic but can be brought on by eating corn fed meats. Or drinking diet soda.
If you are an avid rider work your hamstrings more. Your quads are probably in great shape.
Had similar issues from mountain biking too much. My quads were great hamstrings not so much.

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