Oh yeah and DWBO is right. You can pin both lr3 and igf1 subq or im. But... igf1 works best pre workout in the muscle you're training that day. I use 3/8 length slins for that cause it's a bitch pinning certain muscle groups. The shorter pin helps a lot. With igf1 I just picked what muscle groups I wanted to give that boost to. Like both quads on legday and both bi's on armday. Shoulder day I'd pin my tris cause my delts dont need it. Usually I'd pick 3 and rotate pinning those. So backday would get more bicep pins. I do 2 legdays so twice a week on legs. Tris I'd pin on delts and chest days.
Then next time you run it maybe youd want to hit some other muscle groups.
With igf1 I usually stuck with 50mcg ed. So 25mcg in each bi or tri ect. Hope that helps brotha