Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I would do IM, but it’s my back…right next to my spine. I’m sure there’s a ton of nerves in that area…I’m afraid she will paralyze me or my dick will go numb. That why I have her doing subQ. if it were anywhere else, I’d do IM.

I’ve been doing 250/ day of the Bpc. I started with that and figured I could add in the tb4 after a couple of weeks. Back has been feeling pretty good. Not sure if it’s the Bpc, the prednisone, or just time. The muscle was torn a few years ago and it flares up every few months for about a week. It’s awful. I’m just trying to hit it with everything I got and hope for the best. So far the ortho’s just wrote scrips for prednisone, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatory meds. It has healed anything, just temporarily helps the pain. If my self help methods fail, I will have to see a specialist. Without insurance, it will be costly im sure.
So I recently dealt with the infamous lower bicep upper forearm pain.. went through a kit of bpc with decent results.

that being said, I tried IM a couple times and it actually flared up the area a little and made the pain worse. I was using 500 a day split. Subq in the belly in the am and subq near pain before the gym in the evenings. Some days just went subq in the belly both am and pm.

Point here is the IM injects actually made the pain worse for a day or two.