Quote Originally Posted by Detroitmoney View Post
Hey caustic charm , I have a question for you about how to use humaco with anadrol but your inbox is full brother . I was just going to ask what’s the best way to mix it to get 100 ml at 50mg of anadrol ? Is there a certain ml of humco to raw anadrol I need ? I know 5 grams is to make 100 50mg but how do I know about the liquid brother ?
So the issue with making liquid orals, is that Humco is a suspension; it’s not a solvent. It’s a matter dosage. If you have a 30ml bottle, that’s 30cc, do the math on the dosage per ml and mix powder with Humco. I usually heat it lightly for a few minutes to make it mix well, and then bottle and refrigerate.

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