Clearly I messed up... Some are super crashed others are not so bad... Clearly I didn't mix or melt properly etc.. my question is what's the proper way to decide how much BB to add to them... Had friends tell me to warm all them up till liquid then add all back into cylinder or whatever I use to mix etc... then add more bb to all at same time... Is that how most people do it or is there a better way easier way etc.. I used 15% bb initially and clearly I should have listened and used 18-20%.... Anyway what's easies/proper way to fix w correct math etc...
In my defense I have had cyp crash as well but fixed w EO once and 2nd time fixed w adding bb, but both times it was very small amount of product ea time 50ml both times... So I just used my learning curve and sorta winged it... ( Basically it probably wasn't correct way w cyp) prop is 250ml so rather get it correct and learn from my mess up
As always Thanks