Ok so ive been experimenting with home brewing over the past few months. Alot of fun and very rewarding.

What I have found is that by usuing both BB and EO it makes for a virtually fool proof painless shot every time, and for all recipes!

I started with say for just a Test E with 1.5% BA, 20% BB. It did suspend but not as smooth as I like.

And now have changed it to 2% BA, 15% BB and 12% EO in GSO
Ive been having great success with this ratio and use it for all recipes. Yes even Test E. And its gotta be the smoothest, painless gear ive tried.

Just curious if anyone else out there is using both BB and EO in there recipies and the ratio whith wht kind of results

Cheers Bros

(lets get some more posts in the home brew section)