Quote Originally Posted by Plate Smacker View Post
I heat deca up to 180F while stirring, then remove from heat, still stirring. I let it cool down, while stirring, to 105F, then filter.
So i don't really leave it at a certain temp for any amount of time really.
Shaking the vial will not damage the hormone.
When I am going to pin...
My sink water is 110F hottest.
I submerge my vial 3/4 way up, in hot water bath (sink) while I take a shower.
I then remove from hot sink bath, dry off glass, shake for about 10 seconds.
Then draw after alcohol feom swab evaporates.

I will be brewing 400mg/ml 1%BA and 5%BB here in the near future. That is same percentages I use for 300mg/ml.
I'll do that next time. Didn't use a thermometer, just left it low heat and mixed until dissolved which took a while as said above. As for pinning, TBH I don't even heat it and I use a 29g Insulin needle. Did my first pin with the batch and you just have to be a little patient since it's kinda thick.