I have had this Test E powder since March 2019. It's experienced fluctuations of temperature from 80 degrees fahrenheit to 60 degrees fahrenheit because I let my apartment get hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I opened the package once to get 5 grams out and then closed it up and forgot about it until the next time I was gonna brew which is now. Given the current quality of this Test E raw powder, I actually have the balls to use it. Tell me why I shouldn't. From my perspective, I think this powder went from a dry powder (how it was when I received it) to a gummy gel (how it is now) because of temperature fluctuations. The BA and the filtering process will take care of any contaminants. Is my line of thinking correct? Please let me know anything I'm not considering.

Side note: I've received Test E raws in the form of pinkish-white hard candy, in the form of dry powder, and now I'm seeing Test E raws in this new form. This form that's new to me has me questioning if it's good enough to use and that's why I made this thread.
Best wishes to everyone and happy new year!
