Here is a reply I sent someone telling them how to make oral solutions.... This applies to most orals....

Winny is a good one to start with, its pretty easy. It will hold at 50mg/ml pretty easy, so ill use that concentration for directions. For 5g, that will make 100ml at 50mg/ml.... Get a plastic water bottle and dump the water out... Measure 100 ml of water and pour it back in the bottle and mark with a sharpie, where 100ml fills to, on the outside of bottle. Dump water back out...(1oz is 30ml, fluid... So 100ml is 3 1/3oz...). Put 5g winny powder in bottle, add everclear(pure grain alcohol...190 proof if available, 151proof will work if can't get 190), a little at a time, swirling with each addition.... As soon as winny is dissolved in everclear you will add glycerin to fill line you made with a sharpie... Cap bottle, shake well... Now you have 100ml of 50mg winny solution. Its best to transfer that solution to amber colored tincture bottles to protect from light...
Everclear cost $12 or so for a pint(will make about 25g worth of oral solution)
Glycerin cost $4 for 6oz at Walmart.... That's enough for about 15-20g of powder for solution...
Tincture bottles cost about $3 with bulb dropper cap to measure dose. They come in sizes smaller than 10ml, and as big or bigger than 500ml.... I suggest120ml, tthat way your 5g batch fits in one bottle...