Great info Pain, points one and seven apply to my injury four months back.

1. Do not ignore shoulder pain. Training through the pain will only lead to further and more severe injury.
7. Strengthen the middle and lower traps and rhomboids to increase shoulder stability and ensure better scapular stabilization. Avoid protracted shoulder postural problems.

I had an injured point of insertion located at the middle center of my delt. The DR. said it was a point where my trapezius inserted.
Decline bench and Dips irritated it the most, I pused through until the bursae next to the point of insertion was always inflammed.
I was overtraining and got screwed, I ended up runnning a 6 week cycle of test/tren and 800mg motrin daily. Trained only movements that did'nt use the traps or right delt much.
Not sure if this was the best move but it worked for me.
Took 6 weeks to heal properly!