So today i had to go to the Emergency room because i had an infection/abcess in my lower left delt. They pulled 1 and 1/2 cc's of puss from it with a syringe. They gave me nausea meds cause i was puking and running a fever for a day and a half. They also put me on an antibiotic, and gave me pain meds. Shot me up with some good shit to make it so i was able to bear the pain. My BP was 168/87 due to the pain they said. If it doesn't go away they said they would have to cut me open and drain the pussy and build up. My lat was twice the size of the other one. Didn't have the cash to go really so thats why i waited to go and it fucked me up. Now i am at home running a fever pumped up on meds and on my 2nd day of no food or water basically. I am dreading the bills to come. Thats after i just got slammed with a 20,000 dollar medical bill From three month before. Fuck my life.