This was shared with Enrod in his training journal post, but I thought others could benefit from this awesome icing technique. This was learned at a physical therapy center a number of years ago. Although it takes some planning to get the cups and freeze them overnight, it's worth the effort. Try this once and you will be amazed at how much more effective it is over a bag of ice cubes held to your skin. And a cold pack will feel like a heating pad once you've tried this bad ass technique.

Buy some paper cups (medium size - not the little ones and not Styrofoam). Fill a dozen of them up with water and place them in the freezer. Once their frozen, take one out and peel the paper part of the cup down to about half way. What you have is an ice block with a paper base to hold on to so your fingers don't freeze. Grip the paper base with your fingers and place the ice end directly on the joint. Start making little circles while maintaining skin contact for 7 to 10 minutes. Move the ice around to treat the entire joint during this time (ie - if it's a knee that's giving you problems, do the front, sides, and back area). Have a towel ready for dripping.

Anyone having a joint issue that needs icing is encouraged to try this technique. Hope that helps Brothers.