Hey brothers was hoping to get sum help or advice as I think I damaged my brain or muscle near brain haha

Other night pushed out a pub on leg press but straight after a massive pain struck me in the head and hurt like a mofo then after couldn't lift much without pain coming back. So the next night had rest and day off work to rest as I continued to have a constant headache which would amp up with more physical exertion. The day after that I tried working out but any real force needed to push weight made the right side of my head feel like I been hit??? I tried again today and still anything over light exertion makes the right side hurt.
Dr google says it maybe an exertion headache which occurs with dehydration and not breathing thru exercise which makes a lot of blood flood to head at once... which kinda makes sense.

I am on test e 500mg and tren e 400mg a week which might account for dehydration and slight headache but not on this scale and not since I been drinking more then 5l a day and pissing clear?

please anyone with same experience and cures please reply as I really don't want to not gym for weeks as google suggests and btw I can't see doc for 3 days which really got me frustrated 😖