Its been 17 days since my rotator cuff surgery. swelling has gone down. Color is coming back. The Dr. said i can bend my arm at my elbow but absolutely no shoulder movement. I wear an immobilizer 24/7 to stop shoulder movment it sucks plus i have sleep apnea and wear a mask at night sleeping is tuff. Don't need the norco anymore for pain. Anchors installed,massive tear in supraspinatus (sheared off). subscapularis 75% torn off infraspinatus torn much other damage to list. 2 and a half hours of surgery. my first anesthesiologist refused to put me under because of my heart issue my wife freaked out....while waiting in pre-op i took my wife's phone and called my cardiologist. I was cleared for surgery weeks ago by my cardiologist. i had two wait for another took several hours...

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