7 operations over several years due to oral surgeon destroying the mental nerve that had to be separated and 10% never heal. Cronic burning pain in jaw, migraines, no sensation in lower left jaw and face blah blah blah.. medical malpractice.
I want a very simple cycle. One or two products only. The meds make me very tired and lethargic and I need a jump start... but not over a cliff. Been there.

It is somewhat controversial but what about doing Decca only, 500-750 a week. I have no problem injecting myself. It is super clean. I just want to feel good and have the energy to get through a good workout. Diet is good, chic, veggie, carbs, no booze, fish. eggs etc.

5'9" 180 sick of feeling like crap all the time. Also, love the idea of hgh but the cost is a factor. How little can one do to show even modest gains? All reasonable suggestions are welcomed. And thanks. Mark

also, I don't trust my memory, but if I draw down 1 ml of Decca 300 does it equal 300mgs? Science was my worst subject.