This is a copy and paste from my log!

So I have been holding back about what I thought was a shoulder issue because I bitch enough about everything else we aggravate.

Anyway my left arm got to the point I though I was not going to be able to use it soon.

Pain travel from shoulder to fingers and always at it's worst after I squat which has been really only hindering my squat because the bar hurt and if was a long warm up just to get under a bar proper.

Any hoot I got to my worst one day right out of bed and was really scared at this point but later that night I saw a pic of all the nerves that travel from neck to trap and thought to myself FUCK it's not my neck is weak like Doc said it's too damn tight and sure enough after stretching my neck the pain instantly went away and hasn't returned.

So I took a bout a week off to let thing heel and such and will be back at it Thursday.

Day have changed to Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday

Moral to all this is STRETCH YOUR NECK and you might be surprised at the outcome!