What's up brothers and sisters? My question is, can using a high dose of Aromatase Inhibitors cause new connective tissue issues? And or exacerbate pre-existing ones? I remember the last cycle I did, I had weird new issues that have never happened before, one for example was a lock jaw, I felt like the joints of both sides of my jaws were worn out, and finally the left side just locked, I could not fully close my jaw, nor fully open it.

Second issue I had (which never happened before) was that my back just snapped! (Not to sound like Mike Tyson with my back is broken, I broke my back, Spinal!!!!) But seriously I tried to get up once, and it made a loud snapping noise, and it took about 30 minutes for me to get off the bed due to the pain, I had to hold on to anything and everything just to walk, the pain had my legs shaking. Funny thing is that it lasted about a week, no meds, no nothing, and it went all away. As soon as I stopped the AI.

I went to the doctor, and he simply said stress can do that! REALLY!!!!??? It turns out I grind my teeth in my sleep which according to both the dentist and the doc, that can cause back issues and of course issues in the jaw, but they also didn't know I was on a pct stack, I was paranoid and immediately thought that it was the AI or the Nolvadex. I remember having similar issues years ago when using epistane, but only on my elbows, and nowhere near to this degree.

Has anyone had any similar experiences? Thoughts? Comments?