I'm 6'2" 230 8% bodyfat. I'm a power bodybuilder. I had a rotator cuff injury years ago in my left shoulder. After a heavy sqaut session i had a bad kink on the right side of my upper back almost under my shoulder blade.it felt like it just needed popped. Went to the chiropractor and a massage then it went away. After that i go to do shoulders dumbell press and my normal warmup with the 60s my left Arm could barely push them. There is no pain at all. I do bench and 135 i can barely do cause there is literally no streangth in my left arm. It's been 3 weeks and still the same. My pull excersise are not effected at all just push. I read it could be tendonitis? Not sure what to do. I'm not on a cycle right now just cruising with 300mg test cyp a week. Any input would be awesome. Oh and I'm 38 years old. Thanks

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