Has happened once a year for the past 6 or 7 years and prevents me from standing straight up for 20 seconds or so. At least 2 of those times has been during bent over rows and low weight. Yesterday my warm up of 95 lbs was lifted off the rack and I felt the light “pop”, mind you I max around 245 so this wasn’t heavy. I only have pain when engaging my lower back ie rolling around in bed or physically bending with my back.

massages don’t work
adjustments don’t work
hanging upside down table doesn’t work
anti inflammatories don’t work

laying on a roller has the sensation of a good massage but once I try to stand up I can’t for 15-20 seconds as usual. The only thing that helps is time, generally 10-14 days of this misery.

anyone experience anything similiar? Tips or tricks? Thanks guys