Afternoon gents have a pressing matter atm, started a new shift work job that is different form the conventional 9-5, working most days of the week including the whole weekend, starts are 2-4am with a 8-12 hour shift varying on the day of the week, along with that i have to try and balance out other responsibilities that i can't deter myself away from, in result of that for the past few weeks ive been really lacking sleep averaging on 4-7 hours max nearly every night and the fatigue and soreness is starting to catch up on me. Of course i try to fit in naps and earlier nights when i can but most of the time its just not possible. Aside from the obvious sleep more solution what else could i try and do to improve recovery, ive already tried ice baths throughout the week and they do provide some relief for a couple hours but it just doesnt do the job for the long term.