After seeing the news about Kimbo Slice passing so young really surprised me. It made me think about how I live my life and how we never know what's around the corner for us. Will we wake up tomorrow? It reminded me to pursue my goals relentlessly while I'm here, make a positive impact on as many people's lives as I can and enjoy life no matter how bad things seem at the moment. Nothing lasts forever so enjoy moments and people while they are here because they can be gone in a blink of an eye.
One thing I'm grateful for is my family here on this forum! I can't believe the amount of help I have received and advice that has helped me improve my workouts and improve as a person. I don't take any of it for granted and am excited to pay it forward. Although it's sad when someone passes this young, sometimes a little bit of good can come out of it. Thank you Pain, thank you reps and thank you members for all your help.