Obama declares Isis not a religious group,then says they have perverted Islam..So which is it,they are or not Obama..They targeted and beheaded 10 Christian prisoners,but it's not anything to do with religion,really!?

President Barack Obama declared that the West must counter the propaganda barrage of Isis and confront issues such as economic inequality that made it easier for the militants to recruit. He also said Muslim leaders needed to do more.

In a speech on violent extremism delivered days after Isis released images of the beheading of Christian prisoners on a Libyan beach, Mr Obama refused to describe the militants as Islamic or Muslim extremists.
“We are not going to give them the religious legitimacy they seek. They are not religious leaders, they are terrorists,” he said during his address in Washington to law enforcement and religious leaders.
He added: “We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”
Mr Obama, who is currently seeking authorisation from Congress to use military force against Isis fighters in Iraq and Syria, has faced criticism for not doing more to confront the militant threat. Some have condemned him for refusing to describe Isis as Islamic extremists.
President Obama said the West must counter some of the issues that make it easier for Isis to recruit
But Mr Obama declared: “No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.”
The president said networks such as Isis and al-Qaeda were deliberately targeting their propaganda at certain groups. “When millions of people - especially youths - are impoverished with no hope for the future, the risks of instability and extremism grow,” he added.