I think it is pretty clear what happened... The opiate was overdosed.. this is the most common thing happening and its some serious shit.... these fucking dealers are buying this fentnyl crap in bulk powder from china and pressing pills at random... the normal dose of a pill is something like .05mg and they have confiscated some guys holding pills dosed as high as 40mg and said clearly if anyone would have busted it up and snorted anything that high in concentrated drug they would die almost instantly. Sounds like this may be what happened. I have done my fair share of drugs in my life however one thing I will not try is anything opiate based. It is just not worth the risk.. like risk vs reward. Use your head. You can get high on many other things without risking like its a russian roulette game. The high from anything will never be worth the risk in that. Never. Every heroin user takes that risk everytime they shoot up and I could not believe that when I heard it. It says alot about the mindset of some people who shoot that drug all day everyday. The reality is there need to be more of social online sites like this one so it is easier to come and express why you are feeling like shit or why you risk dying everyday so almost anonymously the people in the group can give their support without the person expressing grief feeling stupid or embarrassed. Any of the bro's in this brotherhood ever have a problem you feel you have little choice but to risk or take your life you better get your ass here or anywhere so you can tell someone about that because no one here will do anything but help I know this. And I do not come here much due to a ridiculous work schedule but I know I have a place to come if I feel hopeless. I hope everyone feels the same way. I know I am willing to do whatever it takes to get anyone through such an event. We all are here because we are good people life is so fragile and once its over its over at least for this location I guess that is debatable but my point is this.. don't think its not worth it seeing it thru until the next day cuz it always is. ALways.. Peace out bros and prayers to Rich and his family.