sup guys im a 42 year old 275 pound gear head training since 1990 and ive recently starrted a cycle of test E at 750mgs a week and tren ace at 400mgs a week eod pins of 100 mgs and bold/cyp at 600 a week eod pins of 200mgs, also i was taking superdrol 20mgs a day at two doses of 10mgs a day, for two weeks, that i just stopped today because my eyes were red and dry everyday and my face turned into a god damn beach ball full of water, i feel bloated and tired, in your opinion what the hecks going on? i feel so bloated? is my estegen out of whack. i dont feel bad as a matter of fact i feel great i benched 455 for the first time. but my eyes are constantly red and running and a face like a bulldog. am i screwing up , is there something here that looks bad? please any help would be appreciated