So, I have been back in the gym after a long hiatus for about a year now. I like to think my training is intense, my body definitely tells me it is. I have horrible doms after nearly all workouts but especially legs and back. I has lessened a bit with time but I do not remember it lasting so long. It seems like, with legs especially, I barely have time to heal before my next leg workout the following week. I cant decide if I am just getting older, I am not eating proper macros around my workout, or if I am just overdoing it. I really dont feel like I go overboard. I am not currently on gear. I do take a few basic supps: protein, creatine, fish oils, bcaas, and a multi. I am fairly diligent as far as diet goes with a roughly 30/30/40 fat car protein macro split. Im guessing im around 20%bf (loosing slow and steady) currently at around 2100 cal per day. Not sure if I just need to continue to suck it up and stop being a pussy or if there is something I can change to help speed recovery time. Thanks in advance guys!