people should check their bloodwork before during and after a stint of tren, c reactive protein goes up as well as many other things. tren is NOT meant to be ran for long, i go for 6-8 weeks MAX at the end of a cut just to get that grainy hard look, everything else i can achieve with much more agreeable and less damaging PED's (insulin, hgh, test, t3) all bio identical and super easy on the body. nobody ever got big off trenbolone, its good for severe calorie deficits the last few weeks and thats how it has been used in cattle (during transport to slaughter) to keep and build muscle in deficit. its very very harsh on the body, let alone the mind. its called the relationship breaker for a reason and we all know its true.

keep it for last weeks for that grainy look, otherwise tren stays on the shelf for me and when i DO use it its 40-60mg per day maximum, never more. if you need more i guarantee you your nutrition isnt up to par.