Howdy gents. Love this thread—makes me feel like a young buck with the ages I am hearing thrown around. Due to work/family schedule I hit the gym later each evening around the same time a group of our younger powerlifters work out each night. I keep giving them hell from recalling me Mr., and even more so when I get the “we respect our elders” response. How the hell im all the sudden twice the age of some of these guys is beyond me.

Also want to hear what folks are dosing test at. I’m several weeks into my first primo focused run with 900mg primo, 400 mast, 450 Test. Weeks 4-10 also anavar at 80mg ed. Planned to add anavar at the end, but switched it up for scheduling reasons with blood test this summer for a new life insurance policy and needed time for HDL to recover again. Plan is 14-16 weeks and then if everything is still going well, drop to cruise on my TRT dose or lower with 400mg primo for another 8-10 weeks.

My new TRT Dr has me on 300mg a week, but in February when my bloods came back he said he was fine with me dropping back to 200mg week—but still wrote my Rx at 300mg. Nice to get real pharm grade Watson for $20 a 10ml bottle.