LowT; Sorry so late to get back with you.

Yes, caber will do just fine with the deca or any 19-Nor, especially Tren. I don't think you'd have any issues with 600mgs EW. I prefer M-W-F injections but you can get away with e3d.

R. At my age do you think I could lower the Deca dosage to say 400mg a week. And maybe add NPP to the mix because of the short ester of NPP? Say 200mgs of Deca mixed with 50-100mgs of NPP twice a week? To get both the short and longer versions of Deca?

Then when the Deca finally kicks in, whenever that is, 5-6 weeks down the road, I can drop the NPP and just continue with the Deca at a maintenance dose of 400mg a week?

You can also do NPP @ 100mgs EOD for starters instead of the deca. It's just the short ester version of deca. Less water retention. I like both. A lot.

R. So same as above, could I or do you advise mixing the two Deca esters (NPP & Deca) as per above say for the first 4-6 weeks? Any PIP with this mix or either compound?

My other questions are:

1. I would like to try adding Masteron to the cycle, never tried it before? So my question is which ester to use and why? And at what point would I incorporate Mast? I would presume maybe toward the 2nd half of the cycle?

2. Would Cabergoline at 1mg a week be appropriate to alleviate any prolactin or estrogen issues given the Deca/Npp dosages above?
I would use Aromasin 12.5mg sparingly or maybe twice a week. Depending on if I increase my TRT Test dosage?

3. Which is my next question. If I did increase my TRT dose, how much would be sufficient? I don't want to go crazy with dosages like I am preparing for a contest. My TRT weekly dose is about 170mg a week divided in two doses. I would like to keep dosages as low as possible, but still be able to show some gains. I think I can gain weight and feel comfortable in the 150-160 range for my body frame size. The heaviest I have been is 160lbs and that was when I ran a SARM cycle. I wasn't working out in a gym, but mostly using my own body weight to exercise at home. But that weight disappeared once the SARM's wore off. But I was impressed I gained that much weight with the SARM's.

4. I have a vial of PPL Test Undecanate 250mg/ml and PPL Frog Juice (Anadrol 25mg, Dianabol 25mg, Test Base 50mg, Tren Base 50mg) 150mg/per ml. I could add the Undecanote to the TRT dose if suggested? The Frog Juice would be a pre-workout thing.

5. I also have Pharmacoms 5 mix: (Tren Base 25mg, Test Base 50mg, Stanozolol 25mg, 100mg/ml). Which is also a pre-workout mix.

6. Also have a 10ml vial of Pharma 3 Tren 200mg/ml mix. (acetate, enanthate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate).

I did 400mg of Tren Enanthate a week for a few weeks in my last cycle, but I started having sleep issues, so I dropped the tren in order to sleep. So if I did use this mix it would be at a low weekly dose. Maybe 100mg a week and work up to 200mg a week and see how it goes?

PHARMAcom has a MIX M 300 is a blend of two drostanolone esters: propionate and enanthate. Their add says: It is designed to provide a fast yet extended release of drostanolone. This blend is perfect for long cycles to ensure high quality lean muscle bulk and dense look without excess subcutaneous water retention typical found with long esters. It combines well with testosterone and trenbolone blends (PHARMA SUST 300, 500, PHARMA 3-TREN) and long testosterone and trenbolone esters (PHARMA TEST E 300, E 500, C 250; PHARMA TREN E 200, H 100). A similar stack is implemented in our last development – PHARMA MIX 6, which has already earned a total sales success similarly to PHARMA MIX 2.

So was thinking a Masteron 300 mix, might work well with the
Pharma 3 Tren mix and or the Test Undecanate compounds I already have.

The Pharmacom Mix 2 (Tren Ace 75mg, Test Phenylpropionate 75mg and Masteron/Drostanolone Propionate 100mg, 250mg/ml) also looks convenient.
With convenience in mind, only three injections are needed per week to reap the benefits of this incredibly potent synergetic stack of three powerful drugs. (Pharmacom add).

The only problem with Pharmacom I've had is the lenght of delivery can be up to 6 weeks. So if I ordered right away it might be somewhere in Nov/Dec before stuff arrives. Possibly 2-3 weeks, hard to say? Depends on time of year, holidays, etc. Would prefer to order domestically these mixes if available?

Any suggestions on any of the above welcomed.