So been on this cycle now for 11 weeks or so.

Looking to taper off or down now. My current issue is with what appear to be water retention in my lower legs and feet. Like they just look puffy and when I push my finger into the skin it leaves a impression that takes awhile to return to normal.

Or like if I take my socks off you can see the difference in size where the sock was. Or even if I wear shower shoes you can see the imprint of the shower shoe straps in my foot.

I have been taking 12.5mg of Aromasin EOD, but nothing has changed?

I have been on a NPP, Masteron Prop, Andropene 275mg/ml or 137.5mg twice per week. As far as I know NPP and Mast Prop don't convert to estrogen. And the low dose Andropene doesn't convert much too estrogen.

I will speak to my VA PC Doc about the water retention or puffiness in my lower legs. But not too confident there.

So if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.