Hi. I only take one cycle a year - 500mg Test E. Going on my next cycle after Christmas this year as I don't think I will be able to avoid drinks during the festive season. I've just turned 52. During my last cycle around January this year I had a raging sex drive and kept my wife bow legged and smiling throughout it. I did an reasonable PCT with both Clomid and Nolva, but my sex drive plummeted, which is to be expected of course. The atrophy disappeared, and I kept a very good percentage of my gains. But my sex drive stayed at almost zero, and when I do try I can't keep it up. Doctor prescribed so Cialis which didn't seem to help a lot.

So, I'm looking forward to the next cycle, and I'm including HCG this time to reduce problems. My question is after the cycle whether the proper PCT will return me to perhaps a normal level of drive, or is the crap low level I'm at now my base level and I shouldn't hope it will get any better than this?
