Quote Originally Posted by Tom96 View Post
Also I see reference to online coaches perhaps that’s a road I should travel
Tom, I think you should focus mainly on diet and weights. Do cardio on the side. I used to be a massive cardio junkie. I could go into the gym and pound out an hour and a half - high speed 10-12mph on the elliptical, hour on the step climber on other days, hiking for 2 hours, bycling, etc. I love cardio. But, I wasn't losing the weight. Seriously! lol. I used to weight train hard in my 20s and early 30s and just got sucked into cardio all the time. I scratched my head a lot and said, I'm beating myself up every day and not losing the weight. And it gets harder and harder every year, especially now that I'm 47. I still feel great, and I'm starting to look good again - muscular.

I know a lot of guys in here may or may not like this advice, but I really got hooked on watching those athleen-x videos by Jeff Cavalier. He's probably the best physical trainer/ therapist around. I had to stop thinking about cardio all the time, and start weight training. And weight training the correct way. I got rid of all the horrible exercises that I picked up over the years, stopped over doing it and I'm currently getting my diet in check now.

One thing I know to be true.


Take my word on it bro. My wife is starting to feel it as well, and she's going to sign up for one of his programs and I told her that I would follow her diet except that I'll eat more protein due to weight training.

I dialed in my gym since I began retraining myself mentally and physically on my last cycle that started in November. I ran eq 500 and test e 500 for 16 weeks. I just finished my pct protocol and I was blessed with about 5-6 weeks of anavar. Funny that you mentioned that.

One thing that I didn't realize is just how GREAT anavar is at melting the fat on the trunk/mid section (abs). I've only been on it now for about a week and a half at 25mgs. It's subtle, but dude, you still have to work on the diet and the weight training. Weight Training will really help you shred the fat if you put the time in on it. And you could easily drop those 30-40 pounds in the next 6 months to a year if you just dial in the carbs. Whether you pick some program from Athleen or get a personal diet coach/trainer to help you, you can do it. I watched a guy that I work with, 6'2 250 pounds drop down to 179 in a year!!! All he did was eat right (under 2000 calories a day - thinking more around 1700).

Get your blood work done, look at what you're eating every day, how to reduce it and your goal before EVER introducing steroids. There are plenty of "fat" strong guys out there, very little strong low body fat guys. But, no matter which road you go down, get your bloods first.