So, long story short, I’ve been busy as hell out here in west Texas/new Mexico killing it in the oil industry. Fell off my training, started drinking every night, diet was shit.. decide I’m gonna turn this shit around, go to the gym and just demolish a back/shoulder day, hell yeah, right?? Woke up with a sore shoulder and have been battling what I’m sure is tendinitis in my left rotator cuff for almost two months now. Upper lat, trap, bicep, tricep, forearm.. pretty much chronic pain on the entire left side. This led to almost no training and more drinking just to push through the pain.

But now.. I’m back in the gym, going extremely light, diets on point and down to a couple beers a day, lol. Cycle is on point and the pain has become bearable.

running this..

HGH at 6iu a day week days
TB-500 twice a week
BPC-157 twice a day
25 mg Anavar twice a day
test cyp 250 m/w/f
deca 175 m/w/f
tren ace 50 m/w/f

Two weeks in and feeling better every day!

I know, I know.. drop the alcohol.. but damnit I work my ass off.