Quote Originally Posted by Exo-Gen View Post

the pump ingredients is simple.. hydration/blood, and carbs/glycogen
if your not getting a pump then your probably not getting enough of either. spend 24hrs adding A LOT MORE. then test the waters then adjust
now you can add in a nice squeeze !! and keep your rest periods short !! i see you said 2-3 min so do 1-2 max.
if heavy great, but if light then add in a few more reps.
only train and concentrate on one muscle per workout.
stick with a few movements only. don't change exercises 10 times and abandon your almost pump you were about to get.

hope this helps. let us know
As I get a little older adding in a small amount of carbs mid workout has helped as well. I usually use a dextrin of some sort. In a rush I use fruit juice.