This is going to be my sec. Test only cycle. My first cycle I used test e 300mg a week with a test prop kick start for 12 weeks. I saw some gains. I gained about 15 pounds, held on to about 10 of that. I didn't get any gyno on this low test cycle. The only thing I got was a little rebound on my pct, not bad though just some itch in the nip area but not serious. This time around I'm doing 400-500 mg of test e broken up twice a week with a dbol kick-start at 30mg ED. Now what I've been leaning towards proviron for my ai during cycle at 25-50mg ED & running it up all the way through till my pct. the reason why I'm doing this route because I've done a lot of research on this & what I have read up on is this is great for test only cycles as an ai and that it frees up more test. For max gains. Also I've also read that the other ai's also brings up your cholesterol levels pretty high & I would like to steer away from that.... So if there is anyone that has experience with running proviron as an ai I would love to hear your feed back.
also here are some stats
hight 5'7
weight 165
age 39
waist 33
b/f around 18-20% haven't gotten an accurate measurement with calipers just hand held dig.
been working out all my life off & on but I've been on for a couple of years hard.