I'm on my pre pct hcg now and not looking forward to weeks on Nolva and Clomid because it makes me feel like I'm shooting estrogen, so I was brainstorming on how to fill the void. I was thinking Primo and Var have minimal affect on the HPTA and Proviron apparently has a postive affect on LH so I'm think about stacking these post pct after some blood work showing everything is normal and then seeing if it stays normal on this little experiment. I might even be able to keep it in check with 250mcg of Letro which I have a ton of and maybe some finasteride which also as shown to have a positive affect on Test while reducing the affects of dht so that would be great for my hair and prostate. Considering Prostate cancer is one of the top killers in men I'm starting to think that finasteride should be mandatory on any cycle. I'm sure our sponsors would love to see a ton of people on this kind of cruise lol it's a win win situation and hopefully my labs will back it up.