does anybody know what ''side effects'' you get when your estrogen goes to low, and is there anyway to reverse it? We all know what happens when it gets to high, but I cannot research to find a valid answer for the opposite. My buddy has been on a Test E only cycle for about 7 weeks now and has become very prone to gyno(first cycle) And was nervous so he picked up some aromasin and began a very aggressive dosage to help combat it 25mgs ED for a week. I dont think he fully understood that armosin is a suicide inhibitor and pretty much killed is E2 levels. Hes no longer got the gyno, but he now complains of sore joints, headaches, no hard pee pee, etc. He's still awaiting blood work he did a few days ago so we dont know for sure but I can almost guarantee that hes killed off all his aromatase enzymes. Am I even correct? Have only used Aromasin on low dose basis. |
Any input from the biology/chemisty guys would be greatly appreciated.