hey guys im running my first cycle and im looking to get opinions for my pct. I just turned 30 and ive been training hard for the last 3-4 years, started out at 155lbs around 17% bf and am currently 190lbs 15% bodyfat. Since it is my first cycle i decided to run 500mg test e per week for 10 weeks split into two doses to see how my body responds and im also using aromasin at 12.5mg daily. Im starting week 4 my strength is up slightly, ive gained 5lbs and overall feel really good im just focusing on eating big and working hard at the gym. From doing a lot of research over the past year or two i found most people said to run test only for your first cycle and add compounds into later cycles to experiment with what causes sides for you and so on. Wondering what everyone recommends as far as pct goes for a test e only cycle, i have clomid and nolva and i planned to run it like this:

Clomid 50mg/50mg/25mg/25mg
Nolva 20mg/20mg/10mg/10mg

or am i better off going with something like F.I.S.T recommends which is:

Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

Ive also read to just pick one or the other but since i have both id rather just run them together since it cant hurt. Im just wondering how important is it to front load the clomid on day one as apposed to just running a set amount from the start, i know it depends on what compounds your running so which would be best for test e only. Thanks!